Teaching Interests:
Spanish and French Language
LatinX, Latin American and Caribbean Literature and Cultural Studies
Theater and Performance Studies
Digital Humanities
Archipelagic Studies
Race and Ethnicity
Gender and Queer Studies
Courses Taught:
University of Miami – Department of Theatre Arts
• Theatre History I (THA 481 – Fall 2020, 2021)
• Theatre History II (THA 482 – Spring 2021, 2022)
University of Miami—Latin American Studies Program:
• Graduate Seminar Research Design in Latin American Studies (LAS 602 – Spring 2020)
University of Miami—Department of Modern Languages and Literatures:
Elementary Spanish (SPA 101- Fall 2016, SPA 102- Spring 2017, Summer A 2017, and Summer B 2020, Fall 2021)
Intermediate Spanish (SPA 201- Fall 2017 and Fall 2021, SPA 202- Spring 2018)
Advanced Spanish (SPA 203 - Fall 2020, Spring 2022)
Advanced Spanish for Heritage Learners (SPA 208- Summer A 2020, Spring 2022)
Interpreting Literary and Cultural Texts in Spanish (SPA 301) – Co-teaching with Dr. Ómar Vargas (Spring 2019)
Media, Technology and Gender: Revisiting Latin American Culture. Co-teaching with Dr. Elena Grau-Lleveria (SPA 321/LAS 350: Advanced Spanish course, cross-listed with Latin American Studies Program – Fall 2019)
Universidad de las Artes, La Habana, Cuba (2010- 2014)​
History of World Theater I: A Survey of World Theater History. It is mandatory for all students entering the Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theater.
History of World Theater II: Part II of the Survey of World Theater History. This second semester includes practical activities according to student Majors (e.g. Acting, Design, Playwriting).
Note: Teaching Philosophy, Syllabi, Teaching Evaluations and other documents are available upon request.